Welcome to Schottlander's Matchmaker Cosmetic Ceramic Systems

Improve Your Smile

Cosmetic dentistry is advancing rapidly. With new options enabling
previously unattainable cosmetic makeovers as well as restoration of the
function of the teeth. Now you can improve your smile and with it your
overall appearance and sense of wellbeing. Dentistry is now not just about
repairing broken down teeth or replacing missing ones.
However, progress also brings more treatment options and there is frequently
not a simple answer to the question as to what is the best choice. This will
depend both on your clinical needs and personal aspirations. What to one
person is an advantage to another may not seem attractive. Your dentist will
be in the best position to set out your options but remember it is for you to
make the choice.


Materials Advice

Schottlander have provided dental materials to dentists for over 80 years
and been awarded two Queen’s Awards for their innovation. To quote the
Queen’s Awards Office “A Queen’s Award is the highest honour that can be
bestowed on a UK business. To have a Queen’s Award is to be
acknowledged to be the best in your field”.
Brand names such as Matchmaker belong to the company and are among
the leading products in their respective fields. Products described come from
their long understanding of dental materials. In the interests of openness
generic product names are also quoted.
This website is designed as an aid to your dentist in explaining the options
available. Of necessity it simplifies these since each clinical case is
different. Your dentist will provide you with specific advice based on his/her
clinical examination.